Hello Everyone!
This is our first post!!! Yeay!!! We have made it our new years resolution to try our best and keep in contact with the people that mean the most to us, but due to scheduleing our part or anyone elses sometimes it just doesn't work out so we decided to have a blog so that no matter what is going on in life we can keep people updated.
2008 has been a very busy year so far and its only 1/2 way through month #2. Since January we have been sick, seen Stephen's parents for a couple weeks, meet our newest cousin Ms. Payton, found out Aunt Kiki and Bryan are engaged, just heard that our friends the Mackays are Pregnant, decided to move,having to say goodbye to friends one moment and hello again very soon, and poor Evie caught bronchitis. We did finally manage to take family pictures though and in our opinion they turned out fantastic-o!
This blog is probably going to be mostly about little Miss Evie and her shenanigans...she is much more interesting!
Little Evie is sooo adorable. This blog thing is a great idea, I look forward to future posts.
P.S. moving, again? Where?
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